Why You Need to Stay Hungry


I don’t know about you. But I feel the presence of the Lord here. Amen, we’re standing on holy ground. And James, chapter four, verse eight. Says this “Come near to God, and he will come near to you. ” And this morning. I just want you to do me a favor. This is probably uncomfortable for some of you. But just right where you’re standing. Would you just do this now for some of you? You have to do it really low. You know, because you’re Presbyterian or something? I don’t know. Some of you could do it here. Some of you can do it here. Some of you you do it here. It doesn’t matter. This is just a posture of yielding to the Lord. And here’s what I know. We are burdened with the things of the world this morning. Our hearts are heavy. We received news last night that Andy Berry, one of our church members, she’d been battling COVID. She was doing well and then went in for some medical procedure, and it kind of all went downhill from there. And we got a team of women on their way to Arkansas to be with the family right now. And, you know, the Bible says when one part of the body suffers, the entire body suffers. And we have financial burdens. We have relational burdens and career burdens. We do the quarantine deal. We do no mask, mask. I mean, all of this is heavy. Here’s what I know. Is that our relationship with God has nothing to do with our circumstances. Because our relationship with God is a heart relationship, it’s a soul-to-soul relationship. What I’m going to ask you to do. I’m gonna ask you just to empty yourself. Empty your mind. Empty your heart of the burdens and the cares and the worries of the world. Just let your mind and heart go blank. The reason why I’m asking you to do that is so that Jesus will have room. His spirit will have room just to pour into you this morning. Here’s what’s going to happen as we go silent for a moment. You’re going to have thoughts. And the way that you get rid of that thought is by just saying the sweetest name known to man, Jesus. So your mind drifts, you go, Jesus, back to just complete silence. Your mind drifts again. You say, Jesus. And we’re just allowing Jesus. To draw us nearer to him this morning. So would you join me?

Thank you for participating. You may be seated. Well, thank you for doing that. You know. Last weekend. Wasn’t Dustin just incredible? Did you not enjoy Dustin last weekend? I know that I did. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was thankful that he was here. And today, we’re jumping back into the sermon series. A blessed life in a broken world. And if you have an outline, I want to make sure that you take that out and take some notes. If you don’t, I want to encourage you to take some notes because there are some very important principles that I want to talk about today. And I want to begin by asking your question. How many of you have ever gotten up in the middle of the night? And make your way down to the refrigerator. And you get to your refrigerator. You open the doors, and you just stare. Like I need something. Well, there’s nothing here that looks like it would satisfy my hunger or thirst. There’s nothing there that appeals to me. And you just stand for what seems like forever. But then you close the refrigerator doors, and you choose nothing. How many you’ve ever done before? Raise your hand. If you haven’t, you’re a liar. Shame on you for lying in church. But no, seriously, the Bible says that God will bless those who are thirsty and hungry for spiritual things. And in this sermon series, A blessed life in a Broken World. We’re talking about the eight ways that God will bless us. We’re on blessing number four. And that comes out of the Beatitudes from Matthew chapter five. And I want you to look with me at this verse if you don’t mind. And it says this.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

Now, just think about this. Jesus says, If you want to be happy, you want to be blessed. Then you have to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Now, here’s the question that I have for you.

What in the world is righteousness?

Now, if you were to jot something down on your sheet of paper, in the notes section of your phone, or in your mind, what word would you associate with righteousness? Now, here’s what I believe most people would write down. They would write down the word.


Now, folks, morality is the word that the world would use. It’s the world’s way of thinking about righteousness. Now, I would ask you the question, Do you even know what the word morality means? Well, I didn’t really know the full definition. So I went to Dictionary.com on the Web, and I looked at the word morality and its principles that help us to understand what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad. Now, here’s the question, Julie. Whose principles are we using to determine what is good or bad? Is it your principles? Is it my principles? Is it Andrew’s principles? Is it Linda’s principles? Is it somebody else’s principles? Whose principles? And here’s the thing about this is that I have a set of principles that I think that is good and bad. You have a set of principles that is good and bad, as you defined it. And the reality is, is that none of us lives to our own principles of what’s good or bad. Right? I mean, most of us, what do we do? We have a set of standards. Let me give you a simple example. Most of you, you have a standard, a set of principles of good and bad for me as your Pastor. We haven’t even defined what those are. But you’ve got a set of principles up here for me to live by. If I do those things, that’s a good thing. If I do these things, it’s a bad thing. And here’s the reality. These are the principles you have for me. And here are the same principles for yourself. It’s completely different. You know what I’m saying. Here’s what happens. We excuse our behavior, and we accuse other people of their behavior. You know what, Andrew? If I don’t live up to your standard of what you consider good or bad, you know what you do with me? You cancel me out. This is the reason why we live in the cancel culture that we live in today is that I just define what’s right or wrong. And if you don’t live up to my standard, I’ll call you out, and I’ll destroy you in the process. You know, that’s code in the Bible. That is called hypocrisy. To have one standard for somebody else and another standard for yourself. But Jesus says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness they will be filled. And so, if we are to be blessed, we have to understand what does Jesus mean by the word righteousness? And we’re not looking at the distorted. Version that the world would say. The world would say that righteousness is morality. Jesus says righteousness is something completely different. Number one, if you’re taking notes.

What in the world does this word mean? RIGHTEOUSNESS IS . . .


It’s actually me being right with God. It has nothing to do with morality. It has me having the right relationship with God. Look at this next verse on your outline.

“The Good News shows how God makes people right with himself.’

Romans 1:17 (NCV)

The good news, literally, is an old English phrase that means the gospel. Now, you know, we talk about the gospel preaching. We talk about the Gospel Church. We talk about gospel singing. We talk about gospel hair. You know what I’m talking about, right? There’s all this gospel. And what the gospel is. Gospel means nothing other than the good news. And the good news is this. Jesus Christ has come to make us right with God. Now, here’s the question Is righteousness the relationship with God? How do we have the right relationship with God? What is God’s plan to make me right with himself? That’s the question. So what is God’s plan to make me right with himself? That’s important because if we’re going to have the right relationship with God, how do we enter into that relationship? Well, if you’re taking notes, here’s what I want you to understand. Number one is that you cannot make yourself righteous. Folks listen to me very carefully. The things I won’t talk to talk about for the next 15-20 minutes are paramount. I don’t want anyone leaving early. I don’t want anyone moving around. I mean, this is a holy moment because lives are going to be changed for all of eternity, what I’m about to say. Folks, listen to me is that you have to understand that you cannot make yourself right. Only God can make you right. You cannot do it yourself. And the reason why is that we’re all imperfect. We’ve all blown. We’ve all sinned. We’ve all made mistakes. And I don’t measure up to my own standards, let alone the standards of God. Now you’re saying. But, Pastor, why does it matter that we’ve sinned? Why does it matter that we’re imperfect? Why does it matter that we have blown it? Here’s the reason why. Because of this, Heaven is a perfect place, and we’re imperfect.

Now, just think about this. If Heaven is a perfect place, what do I mean by perfect place? There’s no sin, and there’s no sickness, there’s no cancer, there’s no COVID, there’s no mask, there’s no vaccination. I could keep going, but I won’t because you’re not encouraging me. But it’s okay. It’s a good thing I could get in trouble. But anyway, there’s. There’s no sorrow. There are no tears. Heaven is a perfect place. Now, think about this, folks. If imperfect people went to a perfect place, what would happen to Heaven? It would become what? Imperfect. It would become full of sin. It would become no longer perfect. It would be destroyed. It would become evil. And Heaven would be no better of a place than Earth. And who would want to go to Heaven? If Heaven is like Earth, right? Because what happens is, is when imperfect people would go to Heaven and make it imperfect, then guess what we would introduce? We would introduce sin again. And you know what would happen once we introduced sin into Heaven. Then there would be rape. There would be murder. There would be prejudice. There’d be injustice. There would be sickness. There would be disease. And so, folks, here’s the thing. Imperfect people cannot go to a perfect place called Heaven. And so there has to be a plan. And the first step of the plan is to understand that you’re not perfect enough to make it to Heaven. Here’s what the Bible says.

“There is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.”

Ecclesiastes 7:20 (NIV)

That includes me. That includes you. That includes everyone. Look at this next verse. Romans Chapter Three, verse 20. It says this.

“No one can ever be made right with God by doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are.”

Romans 3:20 (NLT)

Now folks, listen to me. We are imperfect. We cannot make our way to Heaven. We cannot earn our way to Heaven. We cannot work our way to Heaven. We cannot be nice enough. We cannot be loving enough to make it to Heaven. We all fall short because we are imperfect, and Heaven is perfect. Now, let me give you a silly example, okay? Just go with this example as we put up the state of. What is this state? California. I said just go with it, okay? No stones, no bricks, nothing like that. Okay? Now, this is you’re going to like this illustration. I think Southern California is Earth. Okay? Way down here in paradise or Heaven. And what is that state called? Hawaii. Correct. Now, that’s a pretty good comparison. Would you not agree? So from Southern California to paradise to Heaven down here, which we will call Hawaii in our example, does anybody know how many miles it is away from Southern California all the way down to Hawaii? I tell you, I had to look it up on Google. I’m not that smart. 2500 miles. Okay. Now, here’s the deal. We’re all going to work our way to Hawaii, but here’s how we’re going to get to Hawaii. We’re all going to swim. I. Andrews will take off swimming. Andrew, You could tell he’s invested a lot of money in here. Right? So, Andrew. How far are you going to make it, Andrew? In the swim. Two miles. I’m going to say ten miles. Andrew makes it ten miles. And that mountain ten, guess what’s going to happen to Andrew? He’s going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. He should be dead because he’s trying to earn his way to Heaven now he has been more slim and fit than I am. I’m an Olympic swimmer. Okay. Yeah. And I’m going to make it 50 miles. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. Fifty miles is a long way from 2500 miles. And what’s going to happen at mile 54? Overt to the bottom go, I’m going to die. Now, some of you, you can’t swim, right? And you’re going to start wading out to the water about 100 yards in. You’re going to drown. There could be dead. Some of you are crippled by fear, and you’re not even going to get in the water. You don’t even have a snowball’s chance of making it. But here’s the point. No matter what we do, no matter the best effort that we have, we all are going to come up short. Why? Because we cannot save ourselves. We cannot become righteous on our own. Does it make sense now? As a result of that, God says, Look, I’ve come up with the plan. Heaven is a perfect place. Man is imperfect. How do you reconcile it? Here’s how he did it. Number two on the outline.


God sent Jesus to pay for my sins so I could be DECLARED RIGHTEOUS, so that I could be called RIGHTEOUS.

Jesus paid for my sin. He paid for your sin so that God could declare you righteous. So that He could say that you are righteous. It’s not that we’re any better. It’s not that we have any better qualities or traits than anyone else. None of us. None of that. All that it means is that I’m getting in on the ticket of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one. He’s the good news. He’s the gospel. You know what it means That Jesus has paid for all of my sins in the past. But not only that, He’s paid for all of my sins in the future. Every bit of my sin has been wiped away because of none of the virtues of righteousness but because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ. See, folks, all the world religions will say this If you want to make it to Heaven, then you have to do this, do this, do this, do this, do this, and do this. And another world religion goes. You do this, this, this, and this. You make it happen. Do you know what Christianity says? Christianity says you don’t have to do anything because why? It’s already been what? Done for you, and what has been done for you? Your sin has been paid for. Because what did Jesus Christ shout from the cross? He said what? It is what? Finished. What is finished? Not him, but the price for our sins. The penalty for our sins has been paid once and for all through Jesus Christ. And folks, listen to me is that there’s an entire book that talks about this. It’s called The Book of Romans, especially in ten chapters. But there’s one chapter, one section that really summarizes this whole concept that Jesus is a righteousness. It’s found in Romans chapter three, verses 23 through 25. Now, what does this say?

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through

Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past.”

Romans 3:23-25 (NLT)

When Jesus died on the cross, and we believe in Jesus, we went from on righteousness to righteousness because not of what we’ve done but because of what Jesus did. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. That’s how you’re made with God by believing in the fact that Jesus died for your sin and for my sin. Now notice this The sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past. Now, look at this next verse from Titus, chapter three, verse five.

“God saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.”

Titus 3:5 (NLT)

Isn’t that a wonderful verse for us to understand? Is that we cannot save ourselves. We’ve all made mistakes. But here’s the thing. God sent Jesus to die on our behalf. And the third step very quickly.


 I accept by faith WHAT GOD DID FOR ME.

I accept by faith. What God did for me is that God did for me what I could not do for myself. And when I receive the mercy and grace of God through Jesus Christ in my life, you know what happens? All of my sins are forgiven. I now belong to the family of God. My name is written in the Book of Heaven. And here’s the thing God wants your name to be written in the Book of Heaven. God wants you to be declared righteous. God wants to have all of your sins forgiven so that you could be a righteous person so that you could go to Heaven and live with him for all of eternity. Now, folks, here’s what some of you are thinking. Well, you know what, Pastor? I’ve got religion. Oh, my goodness. Religion. It doesn’t help you, my friend. You be Catholic? That ain’t going to save. You can be Baptist or Buddhist. It ain’t going to help your friends. I promise you on that. You can be Methodist or Mormon. You could be something else. You could be Pentecostal or Presbyterian. That’s not going to help you. You could be atheist or agnostic. You could believe nothing. You have a little bit of belief of this little belief of that, and you can mix it all together. You may be mixed up in your belief. You know what? None of that is going to save you, my friends because look what it says with me. In Romans, chapter 3, verse 22, Notice this.

“We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.”

Romans 3:22 (NLT)

Only God’s grace can get you to Heaven. Not religion, my friend. Religion cannot save you. And some of you say, Well, I’m ready to go to Heaven right now. Put my name in the Book of Heaven. I’m ready to receive Jesus Christ. How do I receive Jesus Christ? Well, the Apostle Paul tells us, he says, if you want to receive Jesus, you have to do two things.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation.’

Romans 10:9-10 (NET)

And this morning, I’m going to give you an opportunity to confess Jesus is your Lord and to believe in your heart that God raised him on the third day. And that’s what we call being born again. Now, let me just say something to you, my friends. This could be your first service that you’ve ever attended. It doesn’t matter. You have been attending Eastside now for 30 years, and you’ve never made this decision. It doesn’t matter. Some of you are here today, and you’ve never made this decision. But there are some of you that are here right now, and you question your salvation. You doubt your salvation. You go, you know what I hope. Folks’ hope is not a strategy. So you go. I hope I’ll make it to Heaven when I die. Let me tell you something. You can eliminate all ambiguity today. You can have the security of your salvation. And as your friend, as your Pastor, as your spiritual authority. I want you to cast away all doubts from this day forward. I want you to leave this place with the assurance that if you die on your way home today, you will die, and when you open your eyes, you’d be in the presence of Jesus Christ. And I think that’s what God wants. Here’s what I believe. I believe the devil can get you to question your salvation. He can keep you from living all in life for Jesus Christ. And so this morning, I want to eliminate all doubt. And here’s what I will do. I’m just going to ask you to bow your head. No one is moving around. No one is leaving. I’m going to ask you to pray the born-again prayer. In a moment, I’m going to ask you to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart. On the third day, God rose from the dead. And because of that. Jesus can declare you righteous. Not because of what you’ve done but because of what He did at Calvary. And here’s what I want to ask you, do I want to include you in that born-again prayer? And if you’re here and you’ve never prayed this prayer, if you’re here and you question the validity of your salvation, and you want to remove all doubt. This prayer of being born again is how you enter into the relationship of being made up with God. I want to ask you to do something for me in a moment. Not right now. I’m not going to ask you to stand. I’m not going to ask you to come down to the altar. I’m not going to ask you to text me. I’m not going to ask you to meet me in a room after the service. But I’m going to ask you to do right now, at the moment, if you want to be included in that prayer of being born again. I want to ask you to raise your hand in a moment. We had eight people this morning in the first service raise their hands to say I want to be declared righteous by God, not by my works, but by the blood of Jesus Christ. And they prayed that prayer. And if you want to be included in that prayer, here’s what I want you to do. I just want you to just raise your hand. I want you to leave your hand up, and I’m going to go around the room. And I will count each hand that is raised. No one’s looking around. So if you’re here this morning and you want to be included in that prayer of being born again, just raise your hand right now. And I just wanna go around the room, count you one I see in the back there, two. I see you. Three, four, five, six. I see In the very back. Seven. I got you. Seven. Thank you. here’s the prayer that I want you to pray. I want everybody to look, and I’m going to read this prayer out loud. And I just want you to pray in your heart. Okay? You just say it silently in your mind. You can say it under your breath. You can just even repeat it out loud with me.

 “Dear God, I know I’m imperfect. I know I never can be perfect on my own. Yet I thank you for loving me despite myself. Thank you for the choice that you’ve given me to accept or reject you. Today I ask you to save me. Because of what Jesus Christ did for me… Not based on what I have done or haven’t done. I don’t understand it all, but as much as I know how I want to put my trust in your Son. I put my trust not in my works, not on the good or the bad that I’ve done. But I put my trust in your grace and in your forgiveness, Jesus Christ. I want you to be the Lord of my life. Today, Lord Jesus, I turn from my sin to be born again. God is my Father. Jesus is my Savior. The Holy Spirit is my Helper and heaven is now my home in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Would you welcome these seven people Into the kingdom of Heaven? And so this morning, the Angels are rejoicing at the decision that you’ve made this morning. Remember, I said that there are two components to having. To understand righteousness from God’s perspective. Number one is to. Have a relationship. Number two. It is a lifestyle. Living as God intends for me to live. Now listen to me, my friends. Righteousness is a position that we have in Jesus Christ. You may not even feel righteous. You may not even feel holy. It doesn’t matter if you are covered by the body of Jesus Christ. Positionally, you are righteous before God. You’re pure. You’re qualified for Heaven. But there’s also the practice of righteousness. There’s the position of righteousness. There’s the practice of righteousness. Look what it says in the first John. Chapter 2, verse 29. All who practice righteousness are God’s true children. Would you say that to me? All who practice righteousness are God’s true children. Here’s the thing that I want you to understand. All in. It’s not about a check-off box of things that you have to do. All in is a condition of the heart where you want more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more politics. Is that what it says? But, you know, the truth matters. Some of you talk more about politics than you do God. So you talk more about vaccinations than you do God. Some of you talk more about dirty jokes than you do, God. All in is a condition of the heart because this is what we mean by all in. It’s the condition of my heart. I just want more and more and more and more of God in my life. I just want my life to be overflowing with the presence of God. And see, here’s the thing about this many of you. Don’t you think that’s possible? Many of you don’t think that’s even a legitimate thing. But you know what? Your life can overflow with a lot of things. You know, stats about sports. You know who won the national championship, the NCAA football. You know, like every stat for the last 20 years. But you don’t know one single Bible verse. But you’re a Christian. Here’s the thing. God wants your life to be overflowing with his presence. How does that happen? Well, this is your life. And these are the things of God if you want more of God in your life. What do you have to do, Andrew? You have to pour more of the things of God into your life. Now, what are the things of God that we pour into our life? We did it this morning. We did silence, solitude, and prayer. We did a time of worship. We got loud this morning, and then we got Reverend, right? Then there’s scripture reading. Then there’s prayer. Then there’s serving. Then there’s a ministry unto the least of these. There’s giving. There’s fellowship. There’s the breaking of the bread, right?

There are all of these things that we pour more of these things of God into our lives. The more that we pour, the more we’ll be like God. Do we get distracted? Do we have a death? Do we have a birth? Do we have a job change? Yeah. But, you know, we get back, we just keep towards more of God. We get distracted, and we pour some more, you know? And sometimes, you know, we go on really, really fast. And sometimes we’re going really, really slow. Right? But we just keep pouring the things of God into our life. And over time, if you just keep on pouring the things of God into your life, what’s going to happen is eventually what’s going to happen. Eventually, it’s going to overflow. Do you stop and go? Oh, I’m overflowing with God today. You know it’s going to happen By the end of the day. You’re going to be empty. Do you know what happens when you are overflowing with God? What do you do? You just keep pouring the things of God into your life. Just keep putting some of you going. Who’s cleaning it up? Not me. Don’t worry about it. Okay. So I know some of you are thinking, who’s cleaning it up? Not me. But here’s the deal, my friends. We want to help you to pour more of God into your life. We ask you to make the commitment to come to worship four weeks in a row because there’s something about consistency that you pour into worship that God does something. Some of you. This is your second week in a row. For some of you, this is your first week. Here’s what I want to ask you. I’m going to ask you for the next three weeks. The next three weeks are going to be incredible around here as we continue to talk about how to get the blessings of God in your life. I encourage you to make it a priority. Pour in. The things have got to be here in worship. But here’s something I simply encourage you to do. I want you to pour scripture and prayer into your life, and we’ll just have a 14-day challenge that we’re calling 14 prayer. And if you text the phrase 14 prayer to 97000 starting in the morning, you’ll receive a Bible verse and a short prayer. And this is just our way of helping you to continue to pour in the things we’ve God for you to chew on the prayer throughout the day, for you to meditate on the verse. And you just opt in. All you have to do is just put 14 prayers to this number, 97000. And we’re just trying to help to pour more of God into your life. And so these 14 days of prayer for us have come two weeks in a row. It’s going to end two weeks from now on. Does the four-week challenge make sense? And the only thing I know is that the way that your life becomes an overflow of God doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen with one prayer. It doesn’t happen with one Bible verse. It doesn’t happen with one worship service.

It’s continual. Input as you continue to pour more of the things of God into your life. Listen to me, you can live a life of overflow. And it’s not contingent upon your circumstances. It’s not contingent on your bank account. It’s not contingent on anything other than you pursuing God. And God is running after you. And so this morning, would you pray with me, Father? We’re grateful. That we can live a life of overflow, Father, we really can do it. And we can do it because you tell us we can. Because we are not only declared righteous, we can practice righteousness. And so, Father, we want to be. Thirsty and hungry after the things of God. So, Father, help us to pursue you. Help us to run after you as you run after us. Father, thank you for these seven people who raised their hands today. And have their names recorded in the Book of Heaven. Thank you for all that you’ve accomplished today, and we’ll give you glory and honor in Jesus’ name. And everyone agreed and said, Amen. Amen. Well, this morning, the worship teams will come out. And as they’re coming out, I just want to announce to you that, you know, everything that we do around here is a result of your generosity. And I just want to say thank you for being a generous church. Your generosity allows us to have the inflatables out there. You know, we say this all the time. Your generosity is someone else’s miracle. I heard about a life group that’s helping a single mom apparently renovate her bathroom and kitchen. And helping her to get her living complex up to par. And they said, you know all about it. And I go, the first time I heard about it was this morning. And they go, Really? I go, yeah, but we have generosity going on all the time. And I’m so proud to be a church, so generous. And thank you for your generosity. Go ahead. And our challenge to you, if you haven’t joined our online giving team, is really simple, secure, simple, and safe. You can go to eastsideky.church/give. You can sign up for recurring giving for 5, 10, 15, 20, or 100 a week or month. Doesn’t matter. God doesn’t care about the amount. He cares about the intent of your heart. And you know, and so I just want to just encourage you to do that. If you haven’t done that, I’m going to dismiss you so you to go outside and enjoy the time. Don’t rush off, you know, spend a few moments, get to meet some people, and don’t forget about this Wednesday Inspire. I’ll see you then. God bless. Have a great week.